Right click on the C9 layer of points from the table of contents, and Zoom to Layer. In the world of CAD, no software is more recognizable or widely used than Autodesk's AutoCAD.Now let’s georeference this image. Here's what users are excited about in the new rele. AutoCAD 2018 is set for release later this year.

LSP script that will assign a world file to each. First, you would need to download the AutoCAD World File from this link. This post will look at an efficient way to georeference floor plans by building using the AutoCAD World File tool.CAD Utilities and add-ins-GeoRefImg - georeferencing for AutoCAD and Architecture - automatic repositioning of raster images (with georeference world files) ECW/SID/JP2 added, rotation fixed, worldout: 210kB: