
Counter strike 1.6 original cd key
Counter strike 1.6 original cd key

  • Modify the map briefing after loading new levels: dm.
  • Arctic Sniper Rifle: givespaceweapon_awp.
  • Disable viewfinder to zoom in: crosshair.
  • Turn off the previous trick: sv_clienttrace 0000.
  • Change viewfinder color: adjust crosshair.
  • Add speed to return mode: cl_backspeed 999.
  • Add speed to side mode: cl_sidespeed 999.
  • Add speed to accelerated mode: cl_forwardspeed 999.
  • Environments in 800圆00 resolution: r_lightmap 1.
  • Set the minutes between map rotations: mp_timelimit.
  • counter strike 1.6 original cd key

    Set the length of a round in minutes: mp_roundtime.Set the ice period at the beginning of the rounds: mp_freezetime.

    counter strike 1.6 original cd key

    Activate the viewer in observation mode: cl_observercrosshair.Hit all shots: sv_clienttrace 999999999.Activate the console with the º key (to the left of 1), and enter sv_cheats 1.To enable this codes on PC, press the tilde (~) key while playing to open the cheat console, type sv_cheats 1, and press Enter.

    Counter strike 1.6 original cd key